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Head of the Department

Urunov Isakul Abdakulovich

Time of receipt:

Daily (8:00-15:00)

Phone numbers: (+998 93) 612-31-82


         Since December, 2017 fchair head has been docent I.A.Urunov.

The department was taught to students by experienced teachers, like: prof. P. Musaev, Assoc. H. Ahmedov, Assoc. E.Sharipov, Assoc. T. Khazratov, Ph.D. E.Turaev, F. Akhmedzhanov, Sh. Asrrorov, and senior lecturers N.Ikromov, N.Kamolov, M.Donyev.

Currently, the activities Assoc. I.Urunov, D.Sc. prof. S. Bozorov, associate professors I.Urunov, J.Nazarov, Ph.D. L.Zoirov and senior lecturers Z.Husanov, F.Zhuraev, F.Hashimova assistants B.Nosirov, A.Zhurakulov, F.Baichaev, Y.Mardonova head of the laboratory T.Sharipova and laboratory assistants Z.Kurbanov, D.Hudzhaeva, M. Ergasheva, G. Allaberganova.

In recent years, the department has done a lot of work. The textbook “Physics” (optics, atomic and nuclear physics), authored by S.Zh.Bozorov and N.Kamolov, in 2009 at the Republican competition was recognized as “The best textbook and author of the year” and was awarded a diploma of II-degree. In 2010, Nazarov Zh.T. and Zoirov L.H. defended their thesis in 2011 Akhmedzhanov F.R. defended his doctoral thesis. The professors-teachers of the department published more than 60 scientific articles, more than 40 teaching aids and more than 50 theses in collections, scientific and practical, international and republican conferences.

Name of subjects taught by professors of the department:

1. Physics

2. Electrical engineering electronics

3. Thermodynamics

4. Electrician engineering

Professors and teachers of the department:

Urunov Isoқul Oblakulovich

Bozorova Saodat Jamolovna

Nazarov Jamoliddin Toshkulovich

Zoirova Lola Khamidovna

Husanov Zafar Jurakulovich

Juraev Farhod Niyozovich

Khoshimova Feruza Saidovna

Nosirov Bobir Normurodovich

Zhurakulov Alisher Rustamovich

Baуchaev Fazliddin Husenovich

Mardonova Yulduz Uktamovna

Material technical base of the department "General Physics"

In 2017, 83 laboratory equipment of 59 items from Germany was provided in the rooms of General Physics.

Textbooks and tutorials:

Bozorova SJ. Course physics. Tutorials. Navoi, NSMI. 2017

Bozorova SJ. General Physics (collection of problems). Tutorials. NSMI. Navoi 2017

Nazarov Z.T. Tutorials for practical lesson for electrical engineering, electronics and electropriform Navoi, NSMI. 2012

Nazarov Z.T., Nosirov B.N. The collection of problems in electrical engineering and the basics of electronics: a manual, Navoi, NSMI, 2013

Nazarov Z.T., Tovbaev A.N. Electrical engineering, electronics and electric drive. Tutorials. Navoi, NSMI 2015

Nazarov Z.T. Collection of tasks for self-study students on the topic "Electrical Engineering and Electronics." Navoiy, NSMI, 2016

Urunov I.O., Baichaev F.Kh., Kurbonov ZH.O. Methodical instructions for laboratory work in physics (Electro-magnetism) Navoi, NSMI. 2018

Urunov I.O., Baichayev F.Kh., Khuzhaev D.K. Methodical instructions for laboratory work in physics (optics and atomic physics) Navoi, NSMI. 2018

Urunov I.O., Zhurakulov A.R., Ergasheva M.R. Methodical instructions for laboratory work in physics (mechanics and molecular physics) Navoi, NSMI. 2018


Scientific articles written in the department:

Nazarov Z.T. Electroortic modulator based on nGaAs-pGaAs-Ag structures. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference "Prospects for the development of technology and technology and the achievements of the mining and metallurgical industry over the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" 2011. Navoi.

Nazarov J.T.,. Baichaev F.Kh. Conditions for the realization of the phototransistor and photodiode effect in the nGaAs-pGaAs-Ag structure. Materials of the Republican scientific and technical conference "Modern technologies and innovations of the mining and metallurgical industry" 2012 Navoi.

Nazarov Z.T., Husanov Z.ZH. Use of computer programs for teaching exact subjects. Regional scientific-theoretical conference "Innovative technologies in the teaching of natural sciences." 24-25 January 2014 Navoi.

Nazarov Z.T., Husanov Z.ZH. The energy value of solar radiation and the physical basis of its use. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference "Mining and Metallurgical Complex: Problems and Solutions" 2015. Almalyk

Nazarov Zh.T., Zhurakulov A.R. Advanced methods of independent work and student management.

“Advanced methods of organizing and managing independent work of students in the integration of education, science and industry.

Materials of the XIV Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth of intellectual potential in education, science and industrial integration is an important factor in the development of the country."2017 Samargand.