Faculty of energy mechanics

Faculty of energy mechanics is one of the main faculty of the Mining institute was founded in 1995y. There are 743 students in it.  Students get knowledge by the level of bachelor in 5310100 - «Electro energetic», 5320200 – “Automation and automatic control of technological processes and industry” , 5311000 – “Automation of  machinery technology and machinery industry” and the direction of master degree in  5А 320201 – « Technology  of machinery and equipments»,  5А 311001 – « Automation of   technological processes and industry ». After graduating students work different kind of plants by their specialty, in secondary and high schools in our republic and also in foreign countries. They make their scientific research works in different fields of energetic, machine building and mining work.

               Nowadays there are «Electro energetic»,“Automation of  machinery technology and machinery industry»,«Automation and automatic control of technological processes and industry”  and  « General Physics» chairs  are working in this faculty .

              There are 46 professor teachers, two of them doctor of science, 17–docents and candidates of science. In 2002 a branch of PO «NMP» was founded a chair of « Technology of machine building», in September 2004 a branch of «Navoi Electricity» was founded in a chair  of « Automation of   technological processes and industry » for the developing of the energetic in our country.

Faculty gets very closely scientific connection with high schools, many institutes and scientific research centers in foreign countries. Such as Sweden, Belgium, Russia, Kazakhstan.  

Two of the teachers got the price of government of Uzbekistan :«Glory of Labour» («Меҳнат шухрати»), «Friendship»(«Дустлик»).

As a post of dean worked such kind of  professor – teachers c.t.s. R.T.Ablaev in 1995-2003,docent U.R.Inamov in 2003- 2004  , docent K.Sherov in 2004-2007, B.Mardonov in 2007-2010, from 2010 year on this post d.p.s. S.J.Bazarova is working.