International activities

Head of Department: Urinov Sherali Raufovich

Phone: +998(79) 223-47-16


Aims of the Department:

  • Development of the international activities of the Institute and its divisions, the training of the employees abroad and the exchange programs for students and staff;
  • Improvement of the educational process, scientific functions, cultural life of the Institute in conjunction with the foreign educational and cultural centers, foundations and the representatives of education, science and culture of the foreign countries.

Tasks of the Department:

  • development of the prospective plans for the international affairs of the Institute;
  • creating the network to advertise information about the educational, scientific and cultural programs, projects, competition and scholarships;
  • providing the promotional information about the educational programs and scientific projects of the Institute;
  • offering the consulting support for the participation of the Institute, its staff and students in the international programs and projects, as well as provision of the support for foreign educational organizations, intuitions and foreigners for their participation in the educational, scientific and cultural programs and projects of the Institute;
  • coordination of the international activity of the structural divisions of the Institute.

Functions of the Department:

  • scheduling the current and prospective activity of the department and development of the Institute international relations;
  • searching and distributing information about the international programs, projects, competition and scholarships for the faculties, students and employees of the Institute;
  • offering the consulting services about participation and employment in the international programs, projects, scholarships, provision of the visa support;
  • organization and realization of the events in conjunction with foreign educational foundations for the development of international affairs;
  • participation in the arrangements of the visits of the foreign delegation, accommodation of the visiting lecturers and scientists;
  • participation in organization of the foreign exhibitions, presentations in order to popularize educational, scientific and cultural activities of the Institute;
  • registering and controlling of the work trips of the employees and students of the Institute to abroad;
  • providing information to the website of the Institute about department;
  • monitoring of the partnership agreements of the Institute with foreign educational and scientific institutions, organizations and foundations.