2-Academic Lyceum at the NSMI

2-Academic Lyceum at the NSMI


Lyceum director: 

Feruza Tadzhitdinova Rakhmonkulovna


Telephone: (0-436) 220-31-02


web-site: www.2-litsey.uz 


E-mail: info@2-litsey.uz

Specialized secondary, vocational education


Secondary special education is a form of vocational training, the main purpose of which is to provide organizers and managers of enterprises, first aid workers, first aid workers such as technical specialists, agronomists, primary school teachers, pharmacists, dentists, concerts that can do their work themselves. Specialists of secondary special education are ballet, circus performers and some artists who require a high level of professional training.

Secondary special education focuses on the development of a number of professional skills and abilities along with practical and theoretical knowledge in general secondary education.


Specialized secondary vocational education


For three years, compulsory secondary vocational education (PES) is an independent form of continuing education. It is based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and "National Training Program for Personnel".


The academic lyceum is a secondary school with three years of education aimed at improving the mentality of students in accordance with state educational standards, and will deepen. In academic lyceums, students choose the direction of study voluntarily - in the direction of the humanities, natural sciences.


Academic lyceums open in higher educational institutions, which, according to the rules, require the participation of highly qualified teachers of higher educational institutions in the process of studying at the Lyceum, and create conditions for the use of their abilities.


Research institutes also participate, if necessary, in the training person, an oriented, in-depth learning process. In such cases, the work is coordinated with the permission of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.


Programs of general secondary education and vocational education are used in academic lyceums and professional colleges as follows:


· Three levels.


• At each stage, when the learning process is over, it is checked for knowledge of the students' knowledge.


· The academic year consists of two semesters, and the study period is 10 or 12 weeks.


· Groups are organized according to groups of training courses, directions.


Academic hours for academic lyceums and professional colleges are set in 40 academic hours. Classes can be combined in pairs.


The next sample of the diploma is given to graduates of secondary special educational institutions of special and professional education:

 · Indication of the orientation of subjects taught in academic lyceums.