Vice Rector on International Relations

Vice Rector on  International


Mardonov Bakhtiyor Teshayevich

Reception days:

daily (from 8:00 to 16:00)

Telephone (998 79) 223-04-40


                             Official functions of  Vice-Rector on International Relations:

           Organizing  and controlling  the work of departments and faculties, supporting  the process of international relations;

        Organizing international conferences and symposiums, controlling   international scientific work, developing  recommendations on advanced methodological experience and application of the results;

           Improving the content of education in collaboration with relevant higher educational institutions of foreign countries in order to ensure the training of specialists in international requirements and the preparation of proposals for the organization of departments and faculties;

           Ensuring the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel through postgraduate and master's programs, as well as helping foreign staff of the institute in obtaining timely academic title and opening specialized councils;

Searching and selecting foreign gifted youth, and working with young people;

       Forming  topics  and content of foreign research grants in cooperation with the department of international relations, monitoring of all scientific research, participating  in the implementation of projects and grants, holding scientific conference;

            Creating necessary material and technical base for the development of international relations at the institute, ensuring and distributing relevant scientific equipment, managing and coordinating distribution processes.


1986-1992.- A student of Tashkent State Technical University

1988-1989.- Military service

1992-1995.- Assistant of "Machine building technology" department of  Navoi branch of  Tashkent State Technical University

1995-1999.- Assistant of the department of "Technological machines and equipment" of  Navoi State Mining Institute;

1999-2001.- Deputy Dean of  Energy- Mechanical faculty of  Navoi State Mining Institute;

2001-2005.- Senior teacher of  “Machine building technology” department of  Navoi State Mining Institute

2005-2006.- Acting Docent of  “Machine building technology” department of  Navoi State Mining Institute

2006-2007.- Deputy Dean of  Energy- Mechanical faculty of  Navoi State Mining Institute;

2007-2009.- The Dean of  Energy - Mechanical faculty of  Navoi State Mining Institute;

2009-2018.- Vice-rector on academic lyceums and vocational colleges of  Navoi State Mining Institute

2018 … Vice-Rector on International Relations of Navoi State Mining Institute