About Mining faculty
It has been given a lot of attention to intensive development of the mining and metallurgical industry since the first years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In connection with the Decree of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A Karimov, on July 7, 1995, was created Navoi State Mining Institute. Navoiy State Mining Institute was founded by the leadership of, doctor of technical sciences prof. B.R.Raimjonov and Mining faculty was founded by the name of “Mining and Metallurgy”, and the name “Mining” was given in 2002.
Currently, the faculty includes 6 chairs: “Mining”, “Electrical techniques, electrical mechanics, and electrical technologies”, “Mining and processing of equipment and technology of Rare and radioactive metals”, “Life safety , “Uzbek and foreign languages” and “Physical Culture”.
Bachelor educational direction is training specialists of “Mining”- 5311600, “Electrical techniques, electrical mechanics and electrical technologies” - 5310700, “Mining and processing of equipment and technology of Rare and radioactive metals”- 5321100.
In addition, 5311700 - “Prospecting and exploration of Mining geology” specialty began its work and nowadays the first year students are trained.
Initially, in 2000, the state educational standards of the faculty will be opened in 2 directions in the following specialties in postgraduate: "Useful quality deposits of underground mining" - 5A540202 and "Useful qualities in open pit deposits" - 5A540203. And now it has been extended to the following specialties. They consist of the following specialties:
"Mining" (open-pit) - 5A3111601, "Mining" (underground) - 5A3111601, "Mining machines and equipments" - 5A310705, “Rare and radioactive ore mining, beneficiation and processing technology” - 5A321101 .
At first in Mining faculty professor S.A.Abduraxmonov (1995-2000), doctor of technical sciences prof. Yu.D.Norov (2000-2004), doc. U.R.Inamov (2004-2005), doc. A.M.Maxmudov (2005-2010), doc. I.T.Misliboev (2010-2013) worked as the deans of the faculty. Nowadays the dean of this faculty is doctor of technical sciences prof L.N.Ataqulov. The deputy dean of the faculty for academic affairs is B.Soliev and deputy dean of the faculty for spiritual affairs is A. Tursunov, deputy Dean, Chairman of the Board of curators is N.Xamidova, Methodist of the faculty is D.Polvonova, secretary of dean of the faculty is A.Chulieva.
The total number of professors and teachers is 66. Among them, Ph.D., consists of 2 and 3%, the candidates to 20 and 30.7 %, senior teachers are 22, %, assistants are 33.3%
Faculty are highly qualified professionals operating in the preparation of prof. B.R.Raimjonov, prof. I.B.Nasriddinov, prof. Yu.D.Norov, prof. A.S.Turaev, prof. M.A.Asqarov, prof. S.A.Abduraxmonov, prof. U.R.Inamov, prof. O'.F.Nosirov, prof. Z.S.Nazarov, prof. A.M.Maxmudov.
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Development of science and technology" by the competition (intended 2012-2016) won the 2 fundamental, 6 caseworks projects on the basis of a total of 8 project works were completed. According to the head of the subject and the following are met:
1. Open mining works with exploration wells and combined drilling rocks of roller chisels construction in scientific bases - J.B. Toshev
2. Cinematic tools and dynamic characteristics of breaking rocks, taking into account the geotechnological development of scientific bases of the process of drilling wells - L.N. Ataqulov
3. The pump used for the enrichment of underground mining technology devices for electric drives and to save electrical management systems – B.R. Toshev
7. Mining equipment repair, technology developments of integrated in the case, to create ways and means of evaluation mechanisms - I.P. Egamberdiev.
8. Deep mines and blasting work in the physical and technical parameters - I.P. Bibik.
9. The application of the solution of the surface-active substances explosive charge to develop a method of relaxation of the stability of the explosion rocks the well - P.A. Shemetov
10. Conditional limited the inflow of deposits in the ore body ore forming methods and the environment A.C. Fedyanin
11. The enrichment of uranium nitrate acid solution to develop the technology to extract rhenium - X.S. Sodikov.
Professors and teachers on the basis of the years 2015-2017 state budget by 2 continued research on the subject. They are the following:
1. Kyzylkum region over the open pit mines of technological processes – Sh.I. Khakimov
2. Limited to Mining to reduce the size of the opening contour of the blasting parameters and improving technology - A.M.Makhmudov.
The state grants and agricultural work done on the basis of agreements involved in the teaching staff of the department. 2014-2015 academic year, more than 60% of the teaching staff of the department participated in the work of scientific research.
In 2003-2004 academic year, the faculty 4-01 KPT (KI) group of students Xaydarova Zahir took the "Biruni" scholarship, 5 students of Navoiy Mining and Smelting plant A.A Petrova was the winner of scholarship. 2012-2013 academic year, a student at the Polytechnic Institute of Turin (Italy) 8-11 EEE group Raupov Shoxrux and A. Shirinov the student of the group7a-11 EEE. In 2013-2014 academic year, a student of the group of 8-10 GEM L.Toshniyozov entered to the university of US state of Idaho.