History of the department

Since 1975, the evening faculty of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute was opened in Navoi, and students were trained in the specialty 0501 "Technology of machine building, metal-cutting tools and equipment", which was part of the "General Technical Sciences" department,

In 1981, the department "General Technical Sciences" was divided into two departments: "Practical Mechanics" and "Technology of Mechanical Engineering". The chief of the department was the first candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Nariman Sharipovich Mukhitdinov.

From 1987 to 1990, the department was headed by Associate Professor Toir Abdusaidovich Mukhitdinov.

From 1994 to 1995 - the department was headed by Associate Professor Toir Abdusaidovich Mukhitdinov.

Since 1996, the department was re-named to "Technological machines and equipment".

From November 1998 to April 2006 the department was headed by associate professor Karibek Tagayevich Sherov.

From April 2006 to 2011 the chair "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" was headed by Associate Professor Kushnazarov I.V.

From 2012 to 2014, the chair "Technology of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of Machine-Building Production" was headed by Associate Professor Axmedov Kh.I.

From 2014 to 2017, the chair "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" was headed by Associate Professor Egamberdiev I.P.

Since 2018, the department is headed by Associate Professor Axmedov Kh.I.


Educational program

Bachelor's program

Step 1:

This phase provides a complete overview of general chemistry, computer designing, drawing geometry and engineering graphics, physics and mathematics.

Step 2:

The second stage includes mechanics-3,materials science, thermodynamics, electro technics and access to expert knowledge.

Step 3:

At this stage, cutting and cutting tools, fundamental of technology of machine-building, machine details, design and production of cast products.

Step 4:

The last stage includes design of cutting tools, technological equipment subjects (including the theory of metals and the theory of mechanics) and machine-building technology

The master's degree includes 2 years of in-depth training in the field of mechanical engineering. Practical and laboratory exercises in branches for success and high level of experience


Cooperation department

          Production capacities of NGMK

          OJSC "Navoyazot"


          Kyzylkumcement AJ

          Electrochemistry AJ

          Kungrad Soda Plant

          HPP in the city of Navoi

          International institutions

          Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys

          Moscow State Mining Institute

          DI. Mendeleevskaya of the RCP

          Local Institutions

          Institute of UNMK of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

          Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology


Industrial branches of the department

Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine is the flagship of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On the basis of the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine, branches are opened.

Due to JSC "Navoiazot" and "Kyzylkumcement" the largest number of agreements on employment and partnership was signed. Innovations in the department are aimed at studying and solving problems in production.



Surname, name and patronymic

Position, academic degree and title


Akhmedov Khasan Islomovich

Head of Department,

Associate Professor

Egamberdinov Ilkhom Pulatovich

Associate Professor


Manglieva Juragul KHamrakulovna

Associate Professor

Ataullayev Azizjon Odilovich

Associate Professor

Toirov Murtaza Shakviddinovich

Senior Lecturer


Obitov Nasriddin Mekhriyevich

Senior Lecturer


Rakhmonov Jovid Uzbekbekovich

Senior Lecturer





Surname, name and patronymic

Position, academic degree and title


Juraev Nodirbek Normurodovich

Senior Lecturer

Normurodov Akbarjon Anvarovich

Senior Lecturer


Tuiboev Oybek Valikhonovich

Senior Lecturer


Ravshanov Jamshid Ravshanovich

Senior Lecturer

Ruzibaev Alisher Narkulovich



Djumaev Akbarjon Sayfillaevich



Sayfidinov Okhunjon Odilovich





Extra-courses Activity

In the department there are projects like "Modeling and designing of mechatronic systems" and "Design". The most active students take part in these projects. Young people are constantly working on their ideas of development and innovation.

International Relations Department

The Tempus program of the European Union, totaling 774,106.81 EUR 2013-2017 543922 - TEMPUS - 1 - 2013 - 1 - SE - TEMPUS - JPCR "Mechatronics of the Master and Doctor in Participation in the Project."

The department concluded negotiations with the Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN" on cooperation with the institutes of cooperation.

Scientific research in cooperation with universities and research in foreign countries in order to fulfill the most prestigious institutions in Europe, Johannes Kepler's JKU and KTN Royal Institute Rudolph Scheidle, such as Andreas Müller and Nihad Shubashich were developed with leading university professors.