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Candidate of Technical
Sciences, Docent Tukhtashev Alisher Bakhodirovich Constantly Phone number: (+998 93) 317-53-67 E-mail: |
1995-1997 years. - PhD. Nasriddinov I.B.
1998-2005 years. - PhD. Nasirov U.F.
2005-2010 years. - PhD, Assoc. Mislibaev I.T.
2010-2011,. - PhD. Ismailov A.S.
2011- ……PhD. Tuhtashev A.B.
The chair prepares bachelor degree to the following field |
Direction code |
Direction code |
5311600 |
Mining |
The chair prepares master’s degree to the following field |
Specialty code |
Specialty code |
5А311601 |
Working out mineral deposits
Professors and staff of the Department |
№ |
Full name |
Scientific degree and title |
1. |
TuhtashevAlisherBahodirovich |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent |
2. |
NorovYunisDjumaevich |
Ph.D. Professor |
3. |
MislibaevIlhomTuychibaevich |
Ph.D. Professor |
4. |
ZairovSHerzodSHaripovich |
Ph.D. Professor |
5. |
KhakimovShodiboyIhmatullaevich |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent |
6. |
NazarovZoirSadiqovich |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent |
7. |
NormatovaMuborakDJabborovna |
Candidate of Technical Sciences |
8. |
KurolovAdizAsrakulovich |
9. |
TadjievShuhratTulqinovich |
Senior teacher |
10. |
ErmekboevUmidjonBoboqulovich |
Senior teacher |
11. |
QobilovOlimjonSirojovich |
Senior teacher |
12. |
JabborovOtamurodItolmasovich |
Senior teacher |
13. |
RavshanovaMuhabbatHusniddinovna |
Senior teacher |
14. |
GiyazovOtabekMukhitdinovich |
Senior teacher |
15. |
HatamovaDilshodaNarmuratovna |
Assistant |
16. |
NuriddinovFeruzAbdusamadovich |
Assistant |
17. |
ToshnazarovAbdumalikXamzaevich |
Assistant |
18. |
AbdurashidovShaxriyorMashrabjonugli |
Assistant |
19. |
BerdimurodovSanjarAbdirasulugli |
Assistant |
Subjects |
1. |
Introduction to the course |
2. |
Fundamentals of Mining |
3. |
Surveying |
4. |
Drilling and blasting operations |
5. |
The process of mining operations |
6. |
The technology of open cast mining |
7. |
Design of mining enterprises |
8. |
Mine Surveying and mountain bases geometry |
9. |
Safety regulations for blasting operations |
10. |
Mining and Technology Basics mining |
11. |
Processes and technology of open cast mining |
12. |
Safety Regulations (mining) |
13. |
Theoretical Foundations of technology by underground mining |
14. |
The scientific basis for the protection and sustainable development of mountain resources |
15. |
Theoretical Foundations of technology and blasting safety in underground mining |
16. |
Quality management of minerals in mines |
17. |
Theoretical Foundations Aerology in mines |
18. |
Methods of teaching special subjects |
19. |
Actual problems of underground mining |
20. |
Modeling mountain objects and processes |
21. |
Theoretical Foundations of technology quarrying |
22. |
Theoretical Foundations of technology and security blasting in quarries |
23. |
Theoretical Foundations of technology development of non-metallic building materials |
24. |
Actual problems of open cast mining |
“Mining work”department's
serviceby named: “Increasing coefficient using bore-holes in underground mining
works in deposit Karakutan” in July 25, 2018.