Mining Electromechanics

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Head of Department

Makhmudov Azamat Makhmudovich

Time of receipt:

Monday Wednesday (14:00-16:00)

Phone: (+998 97) 757-28-25


In September 2001, the Department of Mining Electromechanics was established. The head of the department was appointed Ph.D. Assoc. W.R. Inamov, then from 2005 to 2007,  A. S. Turaev and from 2007 to 2017 Assoc. B. Toshov and since 2017, currently continues to work as the head of the department Assoc. A.Makhmudov. The department has 25 states of faculty and 6 staff of technical staff. In addition, the department has 8 candidates of science, their scientific abilities are 35% and the average age of the teaching staff is 36 years.

Today, candidates of technical sciences work at this department: Assoc. Makhmudov AM, Assoc. Toshov, B.R., Assoc. Abduazizov N.A., Assoc. Atakulov L.N .; Senior Lecturers: Ph.D. Qodirov H. G., Ph.D. R.O. Muminov, Ph.D. Kakhkharov S.K., Ph.D. Dzhuraev, R.U., Makhmudov, Sh.A., Khaidarov, Sh.B., Zokhidov, O.U., Khamzaev, A.A., Musurmanov, E.Sh., Assistants: Eshboeva, Z.N., Mustafoev, O.B, Boynazarov G.G., Turdiev S.A., Polvonov N.O., Kurbanov O.M, Juraev A., Khudoyberdiev L.N., Gapparov A.A., as well as technical staff: Rakhmonova N.S., Abdurahimova D .A., Normaev KB, Uralova NB, Bahramova N., and Ablakulov.

The faculty of the department works closely with the faculty of the department of the most prestigious universities and research institutes of our Republic and the Commonwealth countries, including the National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Technical University (Tashkent State Technical University), Tashkent Highway Institute, Moscow Institute of Steel and alloys (MISiS), Ural State Mining University, as well as with manufacturing enterprises.

    Lecturer of the department H. Nahangov are graduate student of the 2nd year of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, who study on the basis of the grant.

Bachelor's Degree

5312200 - Mining Electromechanics

• 5320300 - Technological machines and equipment (Mountain)

5310700 - Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electrical

Engineering (Mining)

Master's degree

• 5A 312201 - Mining machines and equipment

Bachelor's Degree

Direction EEE

Direction MEM

Direction TME

Introduction specialty

Mining machines

Hydropneumatic actuators and hydropneumatic automation


Electric machines and electric drives

Power supply and electrical equipment of mining machines

Mining stationary machines

Transport cars

Materials Science

Lifting machines and mine installations

Process Automation Mining Machines Design

Operation of electromechanical equipment for mining


Safety regulations

Master's degree

Mining machines and equipment

Theory, calculation and design of mining machines

Theory, calculation and design of transport vehicles

Theory, calculation and design of stationary machines

Special designs of mining machines

Reliability of mountain electromechanical installations

Repair and assembly of mining electromechanical installations

The list of professors - teachers of the department "Mining Electromechanics"


Toshov Buri Radjabovich


Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor


Abduazizov Nabijon Azamatovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Mahmudov Azamat


Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Atakulov Lazizjon Nematovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Kakharov Sergey Karimovich


Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Mўminov Rashid Olimovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Dzhuraev Rustam Umarkhanovich


Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Qodirov Halim G’afurovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Zohidov Odil Umirzozhovich


Senior lecturer


Hamzayev Akbar Abdalimovich

Senior lecturer


Musurmanov Elyor Shirinkulovich

Senior lecturer


Khaidarov Shohidzhon Bahriddinovich

Senior lecturer


Boynazarov Gayrat Gulamovich



Eshbaeva Zokhida Norkulovna



Mustafaev Oybek Bobomurodovich



Turdiev Sardorjon Abdumuminovich



Polvonov Nurbek Omonboevich



Qurbonov Oybek Muhammatqulovich



Gapparov Azamat Alisherovich



Khudoiberdiev Lochin Nekovich


Scientific and methodical work of the department

Textbooks and tutorials

1. Toshov B.R. The “Course of Theoretical Mechanics” textbook published

2. Toshov B.R. “Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines” study guide published

3. Makhmudov A.M. “Mining Machines” study guide published

4. Djurayev R.U. “Normalization of the temperature regime of a well while drilling with air blowing” monograph published.

Expected patents and received patents on scientific issues of the department

1. Toshov, B.R., Kushimov, F., Toshov, J.B., Eshboeva, Z.N. “Hinge Coupler” received patent for utility model FAP 20120003.

2. Dzhuraev R.U., Merkulov M.V., Khatamova D.N. “Devices for utilization of the heat of an internal combustion engine” received a patent for utility model FAP 01311.

3. Toshov, B.R., Kushimov, F., Toshov, Z.B., Eshboeva, Z.N., Kurbonov, OM “Hinged Coupling” utility model registered FAP 20160081.

4. Makhmudov AM, Kurbonov OM, “Method and devices for fighting sand and gas in geotechnological wells, submersible pump equipment” of the invention is registered IAP 20160242.