Social and Humanitarian sciences

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Head of the department


Khаitova Оlmakxon Saidovna


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Monday-Friday (14:00-15:00)


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          The Navoi State Mining Institute was founded in 1995 on July 7 by decree of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.Karimov.

      The department of “Social Sciences” began work at the newly-established institute. Prior to this, while the institute was a branch of the Tashkent State Technical University, the department covered such subjects as Russian, foreign languages, history, philosophy, political economics and others.

    Teachers at the department were such teachers as A.M. Novorodskiy, Sh.J.Mukhammadiev, G.G.Saidov, V.N.Antonova, N.Djuraev, L. Kapitonova, G. Tikhonova, I. Beknazarov, B. Beknazarov, T. Doniyorov, S. Giyosov and others.

        Significant is the role of department members in shaping the worldview and developing the thinking of the new generation, in interpreting events occurring in the socio-economic and spiritual life of Uzbekistan, in familiarizing with the reforms carried out in our country's foreign and domestic policies, and in introducing the ideas and ideologies of national independence .

     During the founding of the General Technical Faculty, the associate professor A.M. Novorodsky was appointed the head of the department. In 1972-1985 the department was headed by Sh.J.Mukhammadiev. Historian-regionalist Shalatonin conducted activities at the department for 10 years. In different years, the department was headed by candidates of historical sciences S.Giyosov, A.Alauov, G.Sharifjonov.

       Such highly qualified teachers as the doctor of historical sciences, professor S.I.Inoyatov, Ph.D. M.Kh.Karimov, Ph.D. R.I.Selivanova, Ph.D. G.Sharifjonova, Associate Professor Z.X.Zoirov, Ph.D. S. Giyasov and others.

      In 1995-1996, Ph.D. I.T. Mukhammedov, in 1996-1997, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S. Inoyatov, in 1997-2000, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor R. M. Karshiev, in 2003, Candidate of Philosophy  I.T. Mukhammedov, in 2003-2009, Ph.D., Associate Professor Kh.R.Raupov and in 2008-2009 Ph.D., Associate Professor R.M. Karshiev headed the department.

       Since 2010, the a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor  O.S.Khaitova has been working as a head of the department.

    Since September 2011, the department was renamed the "Social and Humanitarian sciences." Today, the department is engaged in teaching activities by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor O.S. Khaitova, Ph.D., Professor. R. Ruzieva, Ph.D., Associate Professor O. Shamieva, Candidate of Historical Sciences D. Ismoilova, Senior Lecturers N. T. Sariev, M. Khaitova, N. Berdiev, F. Yusupova, N. Eshonkulova , N. Sunnatov, D. Tukhtayev, M. Saidova, I. Sharipov, assistant teachers A. Khudoyberdiyeva, J. Kuchkorov, Sh. Fayzieva, E. Saparbayeva.

      The teachers of the department N.T. Sariev, N. Berdiev, F. Yusupova, N. Eshonkulova, M. Saidova and N. Sunnatov are working on their doctoral dissertation.

     The members of the department conduct research work on the history of the city of Navoi, the city of Karmana, as well as on the history of the mining and metallurgical industry. In 2015, a monograph titled “The mining industry of Uzbekistan: its past and present” was published by O.S.Haitova. Articles of teachers of the department are printed in leading newspapers and magazines of our Republic, in international journals and collections, and teachers of the department actively participate in the conferences of the Republican and international scale.

     In 2008, in co-authorship, the teachers of the department published a book called “Navoi is miracle city in the middle of the desert”, in 2015 to the 20th anniversary of the NSMI  Ph.D., associate professor O.S. Khaitova, J. G.Norkulova and E.Saparbaeva published a book with the title- “A place enlightenment with the brilliant future”.

      In recent years, teachers of the department have developed 4 textbooks, more than 100 methodical manuals, scientific articles, several popular scientific brochures on the history of the area, its historical monuments and structures.

      Today the department collaborates with the National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Technical University, Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry, Samarkand State University, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute and other universities.

List of subjects taught in the department of “Social -humanitarian sciences”

     1. History of Uzbekistan

2. Religious sciences

3. Philosophy

4. Social sciences

5. Реdagogics. Psychology

     6. National idea: basic concepts and principles

Data  about the teaching staff of the department of

“Social and Humanitarian sciences”

Name, surname



Khaitova Olmakhon Saidovna

Head of the department


Shamiyeva Оybakhor Ravshanovna



Ismoilova Dilfuza Аbdujalilovna



Raupov Хоlmamat Rashidovich



Berdiyev Nor Orziyevich

Senior teacher


Khaitova Makhfuza Rajabbayevna

Senior teacher


Saidova Mukhabbat Gaffarovna

Senior teacher


Sunnatov Nurali Bekmuradovich

Senior teacher


Yusupova Feruza Zairovna

Senior teacher


Eshankulova Nurjakhon Abdujabbarovna

Senior teacher


Norov Shukhrat Suvonovich

Senior teacher


Кuchkarov Djamshid Shukhratovich

Аssistant teacher


Khudayberdiyeva Аnora Khayotovna

Аssistant teacher


Fayziyeva Shokhista Ne`matovna

Аssistant teacher


Saparbayeva Erkinoy Davletbayevna

Аssistant teacher


O.S.Xaitova. «The translation of the work “Mineralogy” of Abu Raikhon Beruni from Arabic into uzbek”. Guidebook;

O.S.Xaitova. «Valuable stones,metals and their names found in “Mineralogy” by  Abu Raikhon Beruni”. Меthodical manual (2017).

O.S.Xaitova, M.G’.Saidova. Guidelines for Spirituality and Seminar on Religious Studies. (2017)

N.B.Sunnatov. Methodical manual for seminars on "Logics; (2016 год)

N.A.Eshonkulova, F.Z.Yusupova.  “Methodological manual on Sociology; (2016).

      N.A.Eshonkulova.“ Pedagogical technologies and pedagogical skills”. Methodological manual. (2016).

        N.O.Berdiyev.  “The main trends of spirituality threats” Methodological manual. (2015).

        F.Z.Yusupova. “Pedagogical technologies and pedagogical skills” Methodical guidebook. (2015).


     Saidova M.G’. “A New Stage of Economic Development ”. “Ilm sarchashmalari” (2017., pages 38-41). Scientifically-methodical journal of  Urgench State University.

    Yusupova F.Z. “The Importance of Independent Education in Enhancing Intellectual Capacity of Students”. «Ilim Ham jamiyet». 2017, № 1,pages                         89-91.

    Berdiyev N.O. « From the history of mining and metallurgical development in our country at the end of XVth and till the beginning of  XX th centuries». Mining notification.

     Eshonkulova N.A. “Socioanthropological essence of views about happiness”. "Philosophy and Law" scientific-political, spiritual-educational, philosophical-legal magazine. 2017, № 9 pages 161-163.

     Shamiyeva O.R. “Innovative technologies in Education” “Mug’alim xem uzluksiz bilimlendiriy” scientific-methodical magazine. 2017., № 6, pages 70-73.

    Yusupova F.Z. ,Taxirova N.B. “Dual learning is one of the effective forms of integration of education, science and production”. 2017, № 5 (18) scientific-methodical magazine. Pages 63-65 . Scientific and methodical magazine.