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Head of Department Salimov Kholik Vakhabovich Reception time: Monday-Friday (14:00-16:00) Phone number: (+998 91) 339-93-92
E-mail: xolik.salimov@mail.ru |
The department called
“Life Safety” began its activities in accordance with the order of the Rector
of the Institute No. 1/65 of July 21, 2005. Prior to that, she worked under the
name of the department "Labor Protection". In 1998-2002, her
activities were led by Ph.D. J. Uglonov, Ph.D. M.K.Aliyev, Ph.D. A.S.Turaev,
Ph.D. F.D.Shodiev. In the formation and development of the department special
achievements have Ph.D., Associate Professor Turaev A.S.
In 2002-2011, he headed
the department, Ph.D., associate professor Kh.V. Salimov, in 2011-2016 - Sh.R.
Babayev. From September 2017 to this day, the head of the department is Ph.D.,
associate professor Kh.V. Salimov.
Since 2002, the
department has successfully defended two dissertations for the PhD degree of
the doctor of philosophy. Especially I.N.Tursunova's dissertation work on the
enrichment of phosphoric flour by utilizing nitrous gases of Navoiazot OJSC is
invaluable in improving the environmental situation in the Navoi region and in
donating a lot of cash income in the mining industry. The head of the
department is candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Kh.V.
Salimov. He took an active part in the development of a project on a state
grant on the topic A4-012 “Development of new methods for producing mass
explosions to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment in deep
The head of the
department is candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Kh.V.
Salimov. on ecology has more than 120 published scientific papers, including 2
textbooks, 2 textbooks, several guidelines.
At the department for
all areas of education of the institute are conducted lectures, practical and
laboratory classes on subjects Ecology and Life Safety.
The faculty of the
department in addition to the head includes 5 people:
teacher - Tursunova I.N.
teacher - N.M. Akhmedova
Lecturer - Rabbimov H.T.
- Urunova H.Sh.
- Urinova H.Sh.
The scientific direction of the department is regional
ecology and human life safety. Work is underway to monitor the human impact on
the environment, prevent occupational injuries and the behavior of the
population during emergencies. On these issues published numerous scientific
articles and educational works.
Kh.V. Salimov “Russian-Uzbek Dictionary of Ecology, Conservation of Nature and
Nature Management” (textbook, published on the bar of the Ministry of Higher
Education No. 0492). T: Fan va texnologiya. 2009
2. Kh.V. Salimov Ecology (glossary).
T .: O‘zbekiston Milliy ensiklopediyasi, 2009
Kh.V. Salimov “Russian-Uzbek Dictionary of Ecology, Conservation of Nature and
Nature Management” (updated 2 nd edition). T: Fan va texnologiya, 2011.
Kh.V. Salimov Ecology (short course, published by decision of the Scientific
and Methodological Council of the Navoi State Mining Institute of July 5, 2010,
protocol number 6). Navoi, Gold servis, 2011
5. Kh.V. Salimov Ecology (a course of lectures, issued
by decision of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Navoi State
Mining Institute of 05/29/2012, Protocol No. 5). Navoi, Konchi texproekt, 2012
6. Kh.V. Salimov Ecology (textbook, published on the
neck of the Ministry of Higher Education No. 32-099). Navoi, Konchi texproekt, 2015
7. Akhmedov N.M. "Formation of students' interest in the artistic culture of Uzbekistan" (monograph). Publishing house of Alisher Navoi, Navoi, 2016
1. Erkaev A.U., Tursunova I.N., Mardonov U.M.,
Nurmurodov T.I. "The method of enrichment of high carbonated phosphates to
obtain calcium nitrite-nitrate". Patent of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.
04343. Bulletin No. 5, 2011
2. Erkaev A.U., Tursunova I.N., Mardonov U.M., Erkaev
A.U., Tursunova I.N., Mardonov U.M., Muratova N.M., Umirov F.E. "A method
of producing flame retardant substances based on local natural raw
materials." A priority. Bulletin # 9, 2015
3. Erkaev A.U., Tursunova I.N., Mardonov U.M., Erkaev
A.U., Tursunova I.N., Mardonov U.M., Muratova N.M., Umirov F.E. "The
method of obtaining chemically fixing compositions of flowing sands and
soils." A priority. Bulletin # 9, 2015