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Head of the department

Tovboyev Akhrom Nurmonovich

Reception time:

Monday to Friday (from 14:00 until 16:00)

Phone: (0436) 223-09-89

E-mail: tovboyev70@mail.ru

       The Independent physics department was created in 1972 at General technology faculty of TashPI  (Navoi city). Dosent S.A.Rakoviski was  elected as head of the chair. Such teachers as  O.M.Mamanov, N.Kamalov, U.A.Amonov, N.A.Verteeva worked in the department. In 1983 'Energy specialties' department seceded from department of  'General technology'.  In 1988 subsidiary TashPI was reformed to subsidiary BuhP and LTPI. At that time M.Isomuhammedov was elected as head of the chair.

In 1993-95 the head of the chair was O.V.Vafoev.

         In June 1995, according to the indication of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the industrial zone of Navoi region was organized by the Navoi State Institute (further NSMI).

Beginning in November 1995 the department was renamed into 'Power Engineering'.

Starting from this year the labor collective in the structure of the head. Associate Professor was Shoymatov B.Kh, teachers of KTN was Eshmurodov Z.O, head teachers were Saydullayev M, Djumaev O, Temirov K, assistants were Xolikulov Sh , Zokirov B and laboratory assistant was D.Khaitova began its activity.

In 1990, the first 20 issues were prepared on the  specialty 'Electricity supply in industrial enterprises and  agriculture'.

At the Department of "Power Engineering" in 2009-2011, research work was carried out with a total complexity of 15 million soums for the development of "Creation of fireproof material from local raw materials" under the number K6-018

With the participation of young teachers in 2012-2013 on the basis of a scientific and technical program, young scientists made research work on the topic EF2-003- "Research and establishment of regularities of energy consumption and the forecast of energy consumption of ore-dressing processes of mining and metallurgical enterprises and the development of models for optimal energy systems - and resource-saving management of their operating modes "with a total amount of 22 million soums. And at the moment one of the gifted students Sadullaev T. trained in the gupp 2-12 EE in 2013 in the Republican

Youth Contest "YURT KELAZHAGI" in the nomination "Technical Development" won the prize in the Navoin region stage and the honorable first place in the Republican stage held in The city of Bukhara.

In 2014, the student of the group 2-12 EE KhujaevA, in the Republican Youth Contest "YURT KELAJAGI" in the nomination "Technical Development" won the honorable first place and in the Republican stage held in the city of Karshi became the winner of the competition.

In 2015, the gifted student of the chair from the group 2-12 EE Khujaev A became winner in the Republican stage of the Republican Youth Competition "YURT KELAJAGI". And also in 2015, Sadullaev Tuymurod and in 2016 Ibrahimova Husniya became the holders of the Beruni state scholarship.

In 2013, Associate Professor Shoymatov B. Kh for the rendered services was awarded the order "Dustlik".

In 2009, a branch was established in Navoi Electric Network, which functions to this day.

       In 2012, a branch was established at the fifth substation of the workshop of networks and substations of the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine (NMMC).

To date, the department is developing: Tovbayev AN In the place with the chair "ASUiTP" on the topic "development and implementation of automated, mobile, high-precision test equipment of gas meters," Mavlonov JA, along with professors teachers TEMPUS-ZHCPR on "To organize a master's and doctorate in mechanics in Uzbekistan", A. Tobayev, M. Sadullaev, M. Mavlonov on the subject "Non-contact starter for switching in electrical circuits with voltage up to 1000 V", as well as all professors "Translation and editing of technical documentation and existing normative documents and acts of NMMC into the state language". In addition, the department concludes economic contracts on the direction "Study of modes and indicators of power consumption of the main and auxiliary technological equipment of the Muruntau mine in order to increase energy efficiency" with the participation of A.Marshyboev, A.Tovboeva, M.Mavlonova. And M.S. Sadullaeva. In addition, the department has established the training system "DUAL", conducting laboratory and practical works in the existing branches at such production facilities as Navoi Elektroset and Navoi Heat Power Plant.

The department trains bachelors in the following directions:


Route code


Direction name



Electric power industry (by branches and directions)



Energy (Heat Power Engineering)



Electrical engineering, electro mechanics, electrical technologies (by branches)