

Mining industry is one of the crucial branch of total industry and economy of Uzbekistan. Navoi Mining and Metallurgy company is a leader in this field not only in our country, but it is also well-known globally.

 There are historical facts about the development of this industry in the territory of today's Navoi region, that is, in Kyzylkum. Sarmishsay petroglyphs which is located in Navbakhor district and historical flint mines found in Uchtut region are examples of this. The main factors of this development of the mining industry in this region are that along with the rich resources found in Kyzylkum, it is also necessary to highlight the factor of the productivity of the people who lived there. The historical mining knowledge of our ancestors is still important in the development of this industry today.


Currently, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies is one of the leading universities in the higher education system of Uzbekistan, which provides qualified specialists for the mining sector of the country. The main purposes of this university are the training of highly educated specialists and scientific and pedagogical experts for the fields of industry, technology and engineering.

Initially, backing to history of the university, in 1963, an counseling center of the Tashkent polytechnical institute was opened in the city of Navoi, and five people started working here. In 1966, this counseling center was conversed into the faculty of general engineering. After Independence of Uzbekistan, this branch reached to the status of Navoi state institute of mining. Efforts of pedagogues who worked that were huge to reaching that status. If we pay attention to the activity of the university, it can be seen that the organization and development of large industrial clusters in the territory of Navoi region is closely related to the university, which provides with specialists for them.

Based on the decision of the President of Uzbekistan “On the establishment of the Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies” announced on March 31, 2022 and has been operating as a university since 2022.

In 2000, about 2500 students studied and later on an average of about 6 000 students, while at the same year the number of students increased to 8500. It is planned that university will welcome 15 000 students in the following years. Currently, more than 500 staff, about 300 pedagogues are working in the university, which was started with 5 people only.

The university has 4 faculties – faculty of Energy-mechanics, faculty of Mining, faculty of Chemistry and metallurgy, faculty of Agriculture and 9 specialist departments – “Mining works”, “Mining electromechanics”, “Metallurgy”, “Mechanical-engineering technology”, “Automation and control”, “Electro-energy”, “Mining and processing of rare and radioactive metals”, “Chemical technology” and “Agronomy”. In addition, the university has 6 non-specialist – “General physics”, “Uzbek and foreign languages”, “Higher mathematics and information technologies”, “Safety of life activity”, “Social and humanitarian sciences”, “Economics and management” departments.

The educational processes in the new building of the university, which has a total area of more than 19 hectares, began in 2017, and it can be said that this university campus has become one of the symbols of the industrialized city of Navoi today. Modern and comfortable classes, lecture halls, laboratory rooms, libraries are available to students. At least 60 percent of the university building consists of laboratories. In 2018, the university had 24 educational and 3 scientific laboratories, and today the number has been increased to 43, and the process is going on to increase this number to 63 by 2024.

Certainly, these opportunities have a direct positive effect on the expansion of scientific researches. In particular, the number of scientific defense works of about 250 professors and teachers was 17 in 2018, by the end of 2022, more than 40 university scientists are expected to receive the scientific title of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy.

In terms of ownership of intellectual property, 3 patents were obtained by university scientists in 2018, and last year this number increased to 12. In this regard, the pace of growth is developing rapidly as expected. Currently, the university has trained doctoral students in 11 fields, and it is planned to train highly qualified scientific staff in 12 specialties.

Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies pays highly attention to issues of international scientific cooperation. Cooperation projects are currently being implemented with Leeds University of Great Britain and Colorado Mining University of the United States, National Research and Technology University of Moscow, Akita University of Japan and other prestigious universities.

In Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, a number of efforts are processing to introduce information and communication technologies, to turn the university into a "Digital University".

In addition, the main attention is focused on the conditions created for professors and students in terms of information and communication technologies and electronic document exchange, the introduction of digital technologies and modern methods into the educational process. The University's “Center for Digital Education Technologies” is actively working in this regard. All faculties of the university are connected to the local network and the Internet, and professors and students are currently using these networks. Moreover “WI-FI” zones have been established in the rector’s building, faculties, information resource center for the use of students and teachers. At the same time, intensive work is being done on the establishment of “SMART” rooms in all faculties. The university uses the test.ndki.uz platform to take computer tests to assess students' knowledge. At the same time, a number of works are being carried out to establish distance education. In this regard, a distance education platform system was created and launched from April 1, 2020.


The “Higher Education Management Information System” (HEMIS) was developed as part of the “Digital University” project. Starting from the 3rd quarter of 2020, this system was introduced at the university, and today it is being fully used.

Information Resource Center of University has 6 study halls and 1 book storage room for users, and 5 departments are working. 23 employees work in these departments. The general capacity of the information resource center consists of 180,125 e-books and 90,135 pieces of printed literature.In addition, the library has about 15,000 literary books. So far, 95 percent of the available books have been transferred toe-versions. “Electronic library portal” and “Information library management system” programs, which have electronic copies of more than 180,000 books, have been established in the base of the Information Resource Center in order to provide high-quality and fast service to users. About 6,000 professors and students are currently using the program. Its benefits are huge. First, user’s time is saved, it is possible to search and order books in the Information Resource Center remotely, all books provided for use are processed online, and the system itself notifies users who have not returned books on time. This new program informs users about new books in the fund, statistics about the most read books, the most requested literature, who are the most active users, and the possibility of pre-ordering books is created.

Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies has a dormitory, and this facility with 600 seats is fully equipped at the level of modern requirements. Here, special attention is paid to the living, studying and recreation of students, and all the floors and rooms are provided with the necessary conditions. The dormitory has two sports courts (volleyball and basketball), as well as a computer room, an art and music room, chess and table tennis rooms. A branch of the Information Resource Center for students also operates here. This library contains more than four thousand artistic and specialized literature. Sewing and cooking clubs are organized for the students living in the dormitory.In order to create a socio-psychological environment for students in the university dormitory in order to make them spend their time purposefully and productively, the abilities and interests of young people are studied, and spiritual and educational activities on various topics are held together with tutors.


Investment in humanintelligenceis one of the main directions of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026. First of all, important attention is paid to supporting education and enriching the scientific knowledge of the young generation. All possible efforts at the Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies are practical actions implemented in the example of the Navoi region of the current reforms determined at the national level.

Information Service of Navoi State

University of Mining and Technologies